Two Tips for Those Who Want to Ensure the Shop They Set Up Is Always in Pristine Condition

If you're in the process of launching a retail business and want to ensure that the shop stays in pristine condition, even during busy periods, here is some advice that could help you to achieve this.  

Opt for shop furniture and fittings that will facilitate the thorough cleaning of your premises

It is absolutely essential to ensure that the furniture and fittings you select for your shop make it easy for the retail cleaners whose services you plan to use to do their jobs. Even the most detail-orientated and thorough cleaner will find it challenging to fully clean a retail space which has certain features. For example, if you purchase a display cabinet that has a base that sits just a few millimetres above the ground, it will impossible for the person who provides the cleaning service to fit their mops or brushes into this gap.

This means that any dirt and drops of rainwater on your customers' shoes that get flung into this tiny opening will stay there and will, over time, make your shop smell musty and unclean. In this situation, it would be much better to buy a display cabinet with 'feet' that keep the base of this furniture elevated several inches off the floor, as this will mean that there will be a big enough gap for your cleaners to access and thoroughly wash the floor underneath it.

Be open to any suggestions put forward by the retail cleaning team

Before you start running a shop from a particular location, it can be hard to predict which parts of it will require the most attention from the cleaners. Because of this, the cleaning instructions you initially give the people that the retail cleaning service company sends over will be based mostly on your own guesswork.

Over time, these cleaners will get to know your premises, and in the course of their work, they may notice that your original instructions don't enable them to deliver the cleaning results that you want them to achieve. If they point this out to you and offer suggestions about ways to improve upon the old instructions, you should be open to the ideas that they propose, as their experience with working on your premises, as well as their general expertise in this area, means that their ideas are very likely to create the cleanliness that you desire.

For example, if your shop leads onto a busy street that has a lot of vehicle and foot traffic and the doorway to your premises is kept open during business hours, then the cleaners might notice that the entryway and your window displays get a lot dirtier than areas of the shop that are farther away from the street. If this is the case, then they might suggest to you that they focus more of their efforts on this particular area.

Similarly, if your shop sells a wide range of electronic equipment (such as laptops, televisions, etc.) and you put some of these out on display, your cleaners might discover that these items accumulate dust far more rapidly than any other objects or surfaces in this space (as electrical goods tend to attract dust). After realising this, they may advise you to let them spend more of their time wiping these goods down with dust cloths.
