Easy Tips That’ll Help You Use a Floor Scrubber Correctly

If you're keen on keeping your floor clean, there's a chance you'll want to perform a deep scrub from time to time. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using a floor scrubber, such as a Tennant machine. Floor scrubbers dig deep into the area you're cleaning to free it from dirt. They deliver a pristine shine and are ideal for deep cleaning sessions, or for improving a building you're just about to move into. To make sure you use the scrubber correctly, here are some tips.

Clear the Area

If you're going to the effort of using a floor scrubber, you need to make sure it can access every available space. This means moving items out of the room you are targeting so that you can complete the task in one go. You may find that certain materials leave difficult-to-shift stains behind. For example, metal. When this is the case, consider using an acidic substance to lift the stains before using the floor scrubber.

Sweep and Vacuum Thoroughly

Your scrubber will soon clog and become ineffective if you allow it to suck items up as though it's a hoover. To prevent this from happening, get a hard bristle brush and use it to go over your floor several times to dislodge dirt. Alternatively, if the floor is delicate and prone to scratching, you should use something with softer bristles and perhaps use a damp sponge to dislodge dirt. Once you're sure you've lifted all the dirt, use a hoover to remove it.

Dig Out from the Edges

The outer edges of floors usually suffer from neglect during everyday cleaning routines. Your floor scrubber is also less likely to tackle them, as they use far-reaching pads that cover a lot of easier to access areas at once. Dislodging dirt and hoovering it away using a small nozzle means your scrubber is more likely to clean those areas, as there's nothing getting in its way.

Consider a Pre-Clean

Very dirty floors could benefit from a pre-clean using certain substances. For example, if there are lots of rust stains then allowing an acidic substance to soak before performing a clean can lead to excellent results. Or, if the area has been exposed to a biohazard, then using an antibacterial and antiviral solution is essential. Always perform a thorough assessment of the floor first and anything it may have been exposed to. If you're unsure, speak to a professional cleaner for advice.
